Submit an entry

Once you have your data and have written your essay, here are a few simple steps to submit your charts.

  1. Create your charts. We are using a data visualisation tool called nugget. Log in and use the ‘create’ tool to curate your charts.

  2. Post your chart. Once you’ve designed your chart, click ‘post’ and it will appear on the ‘stream’. Click on the chart to obtain your unique URL – you will need this to embed into your essay.

  3. Repeat step 1 & 2 for all your charts.

  4. Create a medium account. > ‘sign up’

  5. Write/ paste in your essay. On your profile click ‘ new story’. Write your essay into the editor.

  6. Embed your charts. Paste the URL for your charts into the editor, press enter and the chart will appear.

  7. Publish your essay. Once you’re with the look of your essay, click ‘publish’.

  8. Submit your essay to the Playfair Prize. Fill in the form below with your name, email, university, and URL link to your medium essay.


Please complete the form below to submit your essay